the internet is crazy

Yesterday I was in such a frustrated mood that I went into town and bought the first item a nice friendly little Asian salesperson put into my hands, which happened to be a "hello kitty" gsm bag. It is perfect, it can be worn around the neck or wrist which is great for cycling or rollerblading and it has a plastic bit so you can see who's calling. I love it. Except well, it is a little bit... hm.. "hello kitty". After all, I am not 39 any more...

When I came home I pretended I had got it for the superkid. He looked at it, in silent frozen horror, then managed to unfreeze enough to effectuate a tiny but very decisive little headshake. "Why not?" I asked. He looked at me with his face in an incredulous rictus and wrenched out one word: "cat".

But he thought it suits me. I let him.

Now the reason for the title of this blog: I can never find what I want here.
I want a gsm bag that has the same functionality as the hello kitty bag but looks somewhat more .. sophisticated. hum. So I did a search for "gsm bag", and lo, what I find:

Uw zoekopdracht (met index 'GSM - tasje') leverde 1 resultaten.
[Your search request (for index GSM bag') yielded 1 results]

The internet is crazy.

I'm done.


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