a shower in the garden

a shower in the garden, originally uploaded by thymeline.


  1. Great pic!

    It made me smile because I have so many frogs here at my place. They make a racket every night. : )

  2. This is actually a toad. It does something very special: it turns the colour of the thing it is looking at. The wall is pale greenish grey... I used to think all toads are brown, but it seems they make themselves look brown, when they are sitting among ather brown things. Clever, isn't it!?

  3. Hey he is beautiful! I take it that's a toad? You can join Camera Critters! I sent in cow pictures and got a lot of visitors, who all had beautiful photos of all kind of "Critters".

  4. What a gorgeous critter! He looks so calm and suave.

  5. certainly blends into the pavement

  6. I had no idea that Toads could be chameleon like!

  7. This is a great photo! I really, really like this shot!


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