chilblains or moonboots

No but seriously, you will be so kind as to notice the ENORMOUS MASS of snow I am combatting with these moonboots?

By the way my legs are not really that short.


  1. Haha ik dacht meteen al "wat een korte beentjes".

  2. When I went skiing, in the refuges up in the mountains I often drank a hot Vov to make me feel better! ;-)

  3. The ice skating pics on your mom's site looked like so much fun. Warm wishes for your toes! I love your drawings.

  4. Dick: dat zie je wel eens bij mensen die in de sneeuw lopen, dan lijken hun benen korter. Let maar eens op!

    Pietro: can you give me a recipe? What is a Vov?

    SMB: Thanks, it was fun too. My friends daughters love to skate :-) my son hates it!

  5. The Vov is a zabaglione liqueur.
    For the recipe click here.
    Good evening!


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