ice flowers

ice flowers
Ice flowers on the inside of my windscreen


  1. I clicked to enlarge and it is so so beautiful!
    But when I think of your swollen toes, I wish it would stop snowing. :)

  2. Thank you! Fortunately my toes are already feeling better because I have been wearing warm socks and big shoes :)

  3. I grew up in a house where these were always on the bedroom windows! Brr.... Lovely shot. Frost has a magic about it.

  4. Wow, that is very nice, I think you've had much more cold than here on Texel.

  5. Beautiful natural composition.
    (We've had cold weather here too!).

  6. Sandy; in my house not mere ice flowers: ice CURTAINS. That was when the frost was just begun and the air still had much moisture in it.

    Dick: I thought so! The lowest temperatures were in Limburg and on Vlieland they were 20 degrees higher! We've had temperatures below freezing point during the day for the last three or four days, the nights were very cold. I feel very lucky that my fridge chose now to break down :-D

    Pietro, thanks for the recipe :-)
    Did you also have snow? I heard it has been snowing in Marseille and Nice... so much for global warmiing!

  7. I've never heard them referred to as ice flowers.

  8. That is literally what they are called in Dutch (ijs bloemen). Googling for ice flowers I found this, which is something completely different. What do you call them?

  9. Thyme: much snow in the last day, here. Today about eight degrees of frost!

  10. The Dutch language is so much prettier than English. We just call it frost on the glass. I much prefer ice flowers.


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